Stage Fright: Living Your Worst Nightmare with a Virtual Reality Experience

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“Imagine the audience in their underwear”, they said. “Just look at a spot on the back wall”, they insisted. And yet, there you stand, finding that nothing calms the nerves of addressing a crowded room of faces all staring at you.

Stage fright, presentation nerves, or a “fate worse than death” is a familiar scenario for many people who give public speeches – but help is at hand.  

Presentation Skills experts, Cole Lawson Communications, has developed a new experience to help take the edge off presenting. Whilst wearing Virtual Reality goggles, users will face a less-than-impressed audience and present from three slides of their actual notes.

For nearly 10 years, Cole Lawson has led the way with Presentation Training Seminars to help clients improve their performance. This cutting-edge experience, a whole new ballgame in presentation preparedness, demonstrates Cole Lawson’s expertise in Media and Public Relations through use of this cutting-edge experience, bringing with them a whole new ball game in presentation preparedness.

If you are interested in taking this disgruntled audience in your pocket, to practice sweating it out in the comfort of your own home, the VR experience is also available for hire so that you can prepare for your next presentation in front of a real crowd in the privacy of your own home. 

Click here for more information, or contact us to book in your experience today